Friday, May 14, 2010


So, I decided, in an effort to give this little blog o' mine more structure, we are going to have a schedule. HOUSE MEETING. Here's the schedule I came up with so far:

Monday: Weekend Rodeo Roundup - I will write about my weekend! You can have a peek into the exciting and robust life I live. Feel free to emulate.

Tuesday: Tony's Always Right Tuesday - I will probably criticize something most people like. Because I am way cooler and have way better taste than you.

Wednesday: Yeah I didn't come up with one for Wednesday yet. Wild Card Wednesday was tempting. Also Wacky Wednesday.

Thursday: On Thursdays, as a foil to Tuesday, I'll suggest something with this excellent taste of mine.

Friday: Good advice from a bad person - I really want to do this. Send me your questions, jerks. They don't have to be real! But if they are they will drip with the pangs of real life drama!

So there you have it, my schedule. Let's see how long this lasts. Don't worry, I'll still write the regular wah wah wah I want a new job I'm too good for this world my life is hard posts.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tone Bone,
    I have been living in San Francisco for four years now. Don't get me wrong, it'smy favorite but, I can't shake the whole "something's missing" feeling. Your thoughts?
    Tongues Out,
