Friday, November 26, 2010


I just came to my blog and there was a bear living in it.

Because I haven't been here in a while. Get it?

So today is the day after Thanksgiving, aka CHRISTMAS. I love Christmas, and it is finally ok to be wicked excited about it.

But first, here is a list of things I am thankful for:

Comments on my blog
The Misfits
Camel Lights errr Blues. I was going to do one of those fancy strikethroughs for that, because I always think that's funny, but I couldn't figure it out in 15 seconds, so I didn't do it.
Breakfast especially going out to breakfast. And double carbs. "I'm carbo loading for the big race" I make that joke every time. The waitress never laughs.
The Phillies always and forever. xoxo <3
The Eagles because they are wicked good right now. Haha U Mad. Go Vick.
The Flyers I love this Flyers team. I love the defensemen who are descendants of Thor and the wunderkind Giroux(clap) and the Chase Utley of Hockey, Mike Richards.
Tattoos I am so getting a new one soon. Would it be weird to get a Christmas tattoo? Yes. But I love Christmas that much. But I won't.
Inexpensive Ikea Computer Chairs because my cat has destroyed this one. Her new move: dangling off the back like an action star. She just hangs off the back with her back feet dangling. Ummm ok cat. Thanks?
Cat! She destroys everything and poops in a box in my house, but she's pretty awesome.
No Pants Work Day I am thankful I work from home. For now, it's working and bosses can suck it. But I might get a have-to-wear-pants job soon. Maybe.
My Family I could have an entire blog dedicated to their shenanigans. Instead, just know that they are awesome and bizarre and I love them.
The Internet
Good Books
Christmas I love everything about this holiday, including some of the shitty stuff, like shopping. I love shopping, I love the mall near Christmas. I'm the worst.
Everyone Who Puts Up With My Jackassery Thanks!

How about you guys? What are you thankful for?