Please stop Tweeting/Facebook Statusing about going to the gym. I get it, you go to the gym. This makes you a really great person. But, in a world where people talk about the mundane shit they do, this particular mundane shit gets way overused. I know you do it just to tell us that you go to the gym. Theoretically you do plenty of over things on a semi-regular basis that you don't mention, but you feel compelled to tell us all that you are very interested in fitness (not vanity/increasing your ability to get laid). Soooooo, stfu. Really.
In other news, it's February. AKA probably the worst month. Christmas is over, but it's not Spring yet. Snore.
I'm actually working on some new playlists. Remember those? Awwww.
I think I am finally getting over my cold, which means I'm getting over my two-weeks-of-feeling-perpetually-uncomfortable-and-grumpy.
Hey, remember Good Advice From a Bad Person? Let's do that. goodadvicefromabadperson@gmail.com is there for a reason, assholes.
I'm still looking for a place to ply my wares. Feel free to suggest something. I really don't think I'll be moving on to Phillyist's new venture, for obvious reasons. Those reasons being I don't like musical theater. And they don't want me to. Or like me. ha.
Regarding your first item, I'd like to add cooking to the "shut up already" category. Anytime someone posts that they just finished their delicious homemade vegan tacos, I know it's the only thing they've cooked all month.
ReplyDeleteGood point. Totally in the same I-am-bragging-about-this-everyday-thing category.