The good thing is, in real life, the angrier I get, the funnier I become. Like Bobcat Hulkthwait or something. Except funny. Like Bobcat Hulkthwait the words, not like Bobcat Goldthwait the person.
Please send me GAFABP, I know people are reading this, and you probably need some advice if you are spending your free time reading my blog. GET A LIFE. But don't.
Ok for a recommendation - Frankenstein. And that's mostly because Frankenstein is something I say when I can't think of anything else to say. That and broccoli. Really though, I want to recommend the shit out of this book, because it is wildly misunderstood.

Lookin good, Frank.
I know, he's not really named Frankenstein. Whatever.
So here's my case for the book. It's an excellent book - there's a reason high school English classes grudgingly still read it. It isn't the bumbling monster tale popularized in movies. The monster isn't a clumsy manchild. He is an intelligent, thinking, sympathetic villain. He seeks revenge and busts out horrifying lines like "...I will glut the maw of death, until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends" BOO YA. How's that for badassed. That line is so great it stuck with me all this time, I didn't even google it.
The book is a condensed Paradise Lost - with a monster! It's about the relationship of God and man. It's about revenge, it's about love, it's about science, it's about violence - it's awesome. Read it again, for the first time! Does that cliche make sense to anyone?
I love Frankenstein so much I am seriously considering a Frankenstein tattoo. READ IT.
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