Friday was pretty tame, worked way too much, got my car back, got dinner with my sister, played too many video games. Glad to have the car back, even if they forgot a piece I have to go back and pick up. It is kind of jarring to see my dash without that little glowing light of shame that was my check engine light for so many months.
Saturday was a good day. We headed down to CBP to tailgate for the Phils-Red Sox game. Tailgating isn't usually my bag. Being the teetotaler I am, tailgating usually means "sit around and sweat" - but I had a good time. The game was a little disappointing as a Phils fan, but we had great seats and great company. Also, the Flyers winning earlier in the day made the loss a little easier to swallow. Finished up the day at a beach party at the local bar that was the expected shit show. Good times.
Sunday was basically for one thing. The Lost finale. We had a mini lost party with dharma soda and food and cupcakes. Good looking party.

Nice spread, eh?
Ok - my thoughts on the finale. A good sci fi vehicle has two elements, excellent characters and excellent sci fi. This show had both, and the writers obviously felt the characters were the important part. I felt this was an ending for girls and not boys. They left the island and her mysteries intact and brought together the characters for their goodbye. That's their prerogative and I can respect that. As far as a finale based on characters and relationships I thought it was a good one. I personally would have enjoyed more sci fi, but hey, I'm a nerd.
My bone to pick with the last episode is also a nerdy one. Great sci fi is basically regurgitated classics. Classic stories told on space ships or mysterious islands. Replace gladiator swords with light sabers and medusa with smoke monster, bam. Recipe for success in my book. In the classics, the better a character, the better his death. If you're awesome you die an awesome death, at the hands of a worthy foe. The reason the Iliad is a tragedy is because Achilles dies at the hands of a bitch instead of the badass Hector. So with Lost, I was expecting something good for fake Locke/Man in Black/Smoke Monster. Darth Vader goes out to the most badass man in the galaxy in an effort to save his son. Locke/MIB/SM gets SHOT IN THE BACK BY A WHINY PAIN IN THE ASS GIRL. So upsetting. He deserved better. Maybe if it were Hurley or Ben that shot him I would have liked it better. Although, them going straight old school with the rainy cliff face off was awesome. Jack yelling LOCKE!! was gold. Nerd rant over.
Well, all in all a pretty solid weekend after a pretty crappy week. Let's get going on a good week today, shall we?
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