Some stuff happened that doesn't need more than the following: more oil, more bzzzzzzzzzzzzsoccerbrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzz, more blah blah.
Then some interesting stuff!
Quotes of the weekend
"Some people poop on their own heads!" - sage wisdom from my friend's father
"You're a freakin' pirate and I'm a freakin' Jesus!" - some sort of comeback from an extremely drunk Irishman in the bar last night. At one point he ordered "A Hoegarden, a shot of rumplemintz, a martini and a glass of red wine, please."
The Supreme Court did some Supreme Courtin'. "Hey Chicago, you aren't allowed to take stuff out of the constitution" was their take.
Pew pew!
Maybe I've watched too many (all) episodes of the X-Files, but I stumbled across this story of a decades old murder mystery and found it pretty fascinating. Gets really interesting about halfway down.
Also, I'm not going to gloat and post stories of the iPhone 4's many many failures. But! I will post this comical picture:
In a story that interests me mostly because it got the Phillies three extra home games, smelly indignant rich kids protested some nebulous concept of "the man" this weekend. Sweet balaclava, bro. Also Toronto is getting all scardey about some protests that our sporting championship "celebrations" make look like a tea party. No, not that kind of Tea Party. Hey Canada, you'll be ok, I promise. Che Guevara is spinning in his grave.

God forbid we find out your identity you righteous class warrior! We might have to subpoena your library records because you're such a violent revolutionary! But now we can't because you have on that bandana. Oh, nevermind, we'll just ask that guy right behind you in the tank top and sandals who just went grocery shopping. He's taking up arms with you! Or the girl who is learning how to ride a bike. They look dangerous.
This is my first remote blogging. Get stoked. I had to relocate for some upgrades at the ALOUTRANCE HQ. You know, more blogger friendly windows are being installed. A minor inconvenience, and not enough to keep me from bringing you this half assed update.
Alright, stay clean.
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