Yeah, me neither. Probably because I was five when they were effectively over. Just like you were if you're under the age of 28. You must have been the coolest two year old ever if you remember dancing to Cyndi Lauper and crushing on Billy Idol. I never understood this invented nostalgia for something people were never a part of. Maybe you're just nostalgic for nostalgic VH1 shows. OMG I LOVE THE 80s! Ok, that's fine, if not misguided and proof of horrible taste, but you weren't there.
You know what your coming of age music was? Silverchair not Poison. Maybe some Whitney Houston, certainly no Tiffany. Crash Test Dummies, not Mr. Big. I don't get it. Are you that stupid that because TV told you you were there, you really think that? Do you have fake memories of leg warmers and Ronald Reagan?

For a while it was just fake nostalgia, 80's parties and stupid facebook groups. But now, it's "retro" and some of these horrible staples are creeping back in. Hipsters are wearing acid wash jeans and over sized shirts and those horrible sunglasses. These GODAWFUL "screamo" bands all have the neon colored shirts and logos. Wait, hold on, hate break. These bands, these "screamo" bands are so terrible and offensive to anyone with any musical taste, they need to die in a fire. They play horrible, lowest-common-denominator pop music, throw in a couple screams and that's it. I am old, but I am not wrong.
Back to previous hate. This really stoked up my ire for two reasons. Sure, some cool stuff happened in the 80's, like Return of the Jedi and the USSR crapping its bed, but, for the most part, it was horrible then and it's even worse now. We should know better. And also you weren't there. Be glad you weren't. The 80's were full of morons, be your own kind of moron for the 10's.
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