Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend Rodeo Roundup

It was a bad weekend for nerds' eyeballs, but a good weekend for me.

Best part of the weekend was definitely seeing Cap'n Jazz - another band I have loved for a long time and never thought I would get to see live. It was 100 degrees outside and, with the throng of aging hipsters who obviously eat a ton of vegan cupcakes, it was oppressive inside. It was the sweatiest I've been in a long time, but I was far from the sweatiest of the day. That title probably goes to the shirtless dude who kept squeezing between my friend and I like we were those big rollers at a car wash. Yuck.

The show itself was incredible, they sounded great. Their recorded work has a certain low fi, frenetic, verging-on-sloppy feel to it. The live show made me realize that they are talented musicians whose chaotic sound is carefully cultivated and intentional. They recreated their songs loyally and impressively. I guess if you have jazz in your name, you better bring it. I have never seen them before, so realizing the singer is a cross between Mitch Hedberg and Peter Sarsgaard was a bit of a surprise.

That's a video from the show - which was less than 48 hours ago. I love the internet!

Here's a quick list of bands I can think of off the top of my head that take their name from a Cap'n Jazz song:

We are Scientists!
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Rocky Rococo
Troubled by Insects

Other than that, this weekend had some awesome Phillies games, a crazy thunder storm and a hectic Sunday. I'm so glad my friends thought baby pools and Depends were a good way to celebrate turning 30. I brought them a case of Hurricanes. That case was distressingly inexpensive. It was less than twenty dollars for 480 oz. of disgusting booze. Things shouldn't be that cheap, I would have felt much better about the whole thing if it had cost ten more dollars.


  1. what's wrong with vegan cupcakes?

  2. Just because I said a phrase doesn't mean there's something wrong with it. Fat hipsters need to get fat off something.
