Found this on thehighdefinite, and it made me want the world to end. Hey look! I might get my wish!
BP spill may cause "world killing event"
Wait, you called the POLICE because you lost your crops in FARMVILLE? Guhhhh. I thought we had natural selection? Screw you Darwin, you're good for nothing, obviously.
Loser wins!
Ever see those creepy guys with metal detectors? Well, their usual payday is a handful of nickels and a key to some unknown house/shed/bike lock. Well, this guy made up for that by finding one million dollars worth of Roman coins. Get ready for more creeps with metal detectors.
I didn't get to see Predators, but I wanted to. That should be good for something. I want to see some predating!
Caring about soccer is over for another four years. No more 140 lb guys with bad haircuts jogging for three hours interspersed with pretending they are hurt. Sorry hip, rebellious sports fans! At least you have the Tour de France. The best part of the world cup was definitely the prescient octopus. PSYCHIC OCTOPUS! So awesome. Thanks Germany, never change.

Best Photobomb ever.
Wait, psychic octopus, get back here. What's in store for me? Work I love? Work in order to do things I love in my spare time? What's ps4 going to be like? Is there going to be a Star Wars VII-IX? Shakespeare or William Bacon? Do psychic octopi know things about the past or just the future? What should I go back to school for? Will I like being a lawyer, or just being a law student? 42? Dr. Tony? Can I be a successful (gainfully employed) writer? C'mon Paul! I need to know these things!
If you're gonna scream, scream with me.
This>Everything else ever:
thanks, nick.
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